

and  coaching

Money can feel daunting,

but it doesn’t have to be.

Money Coaching helps you feel good about your money by adjusting your beliefs about money
and giving you a sustainable money management system that is less focused on tracking and more focused on security, gratitude and joy.

Nice to meet you, I’m lauren.

I’m passionate about helping people feel good about their money. I know first hand the highs and lows, I’ve felt ‘bad’ with money when I didn’t have to and I’ve wasted hours anxiously controlling my money when I could have done less.

My goal is to help you strike a balance, find stability and guide you towards a money management system that supports your personality and values for now and for the future.

As Seen on:


Work with me one on one, as a couple, or in a group to achieve uncomplicated and lasting change to your cash flow and your relationship with money.

Self paced

Prefer to go at your pace? check out products available to learn one step at a time.


Have a group employees or leading a group coaching program that would benefit from understanding how to manage their money more joyfully? Book Lauren to present to your group.

Want to learn more?

It can be counter intuitive to pay someone to help you with your money, but you don’t have to do it alone. You don’t have to learn the hard way. my guess is you’ve already learned some lesson the hard way and it sure would be nice to learn some the easy way.

A coaching relationship can transform your money relationship and beyond. Money connects with all parts of your life. Let the foundation be strong.