Reset + Rise


A 6 month money coaching program that helps you relieve the stress of your debt, learn systems that make you feel safe to dream again, and cultivate a joyful relationship with money.

I Don’t know how i got here…

I’ve heard this so many times. Money plays a primary role in our lives. We have all of these beliefs and scripts about what it means to have it, or not have it. We receive very little education about how to use it and none about how it affects us emotionally. 

Because we don’t talk about money, many of us are left feeling completely lost and fumbling our way through our financial life. 

We get stuck in a cycle of splurge and restriction, indulgence and then punishment… when what we crave most is stability.

But what if instead,

you got to feel joyful about your money RIGHT NOW?

Imagine Being able to:

  • Feel confident every time you open your online banking because you know exactly what’s in your accounts

  • Be prepared for big purchases months in advance

  • Talk about money with your partner as equals in the conversation

  • Spend joyfully and with confidence knowing you are on track to meet your goals

  • Rest easy at night knowing everything is going to be okay 

  • Feel hopeful and excited about where your financial life is headed

This is a chance to reconnect with yourself, with your money beliefs, and set a new course for your future. 

We think we’ll be happy...

When the debt is gone

When we stop spending

When we get that raise 

...Any time except for TODAY.


6 months to build a joyful relationship with money

RESET + RISE approaches personal finance and how you feel about it in a new way. Framed in expansion, abundance and joy, supported by ease-filled strategy. No more tedious daily tracking, constant hustle or immense sacrifice. A money management system that aligns and connects to your values and complements your personality.

This is perfect for you if you:

  • Desire a sustainable, steady debt plan

  • Want to set and reach financial goals

  • Love visual systems and step-by-step support for clear money management

  • Want to release the shame and guilt that surrounds money

  • Want to feel confident about your finances and make decisions with assurance 

  • Want to feel good about your money


Hi, I’m LB

I’m a money coach dedicated to helping people cultivate a more joyful relationship with money. I am an Accredited Financial Counsellor Canada and my 6 month coaching program RESET + RISE promises a judgement free space. 

My own journey began when I looked up from my life and didn’t know how I had gotten there. I was expecting my third child, was six figures in debt, and had no consistent plan. My money management to that point had been trial by fire. Every single month.

I thought the solution was regimented, restrictive budgeting, so I went headfirst into a cookie-cutter plan fueled by shame and guilt and embarrassment. What I learned was that restrictive, punishing plans were not only unsustainable but actually detrimental for me. My experience eroded my confidence, hurt my relationships, and stripped away my joy.

So I hit reset and developed a new plan fueled by self-compassion, empathy, and new strategies. We are paying down our debt while joyfully spending on the things that matter to us. We invest in our activities and experiences as a family with excitement instead of hesitation. 

We set goals and DREAM together . . . 

. . . Knowing that the path forward is the one we created for US. 

. . . Knowing we have the financial mobility to manage the unpredictable.

. . . Knowing that our financial health benefits everyone around us. 

I’ve helped clients rise from the overwhelm, pay off hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt, and build safety through their finances. Clients have said goodbye to emotionally triggering conversations around money and connect with each other as equals.  They have saved for dream vacations and exciting futures filled with choice. 

My mission is to help folks who feel like they need to reset, step out of autopilot and step back into their power. To guide you toward dreaming again so you can rise into an abundant and intentional life.

With RESET + RISE you receive:

  • 12 bi-weekly private coaching calls where we will discuss and explore the emotion and strategy of personal finance. 

  • A Customized Joyful Spending Plan rooted in your personality, values and human behaviour

  • A safe place to talk about and ask questions relating to personal finance

  • Journal prompts and unique exercises that help you explore your money story and cultivate a safe relationship with your money

  • Strategies for managing and talking about money with your loved ones

  • Support and structure as you build momentum towards your goals

Here’s how it works

Month 1

We get to know each other, explore your values, personality and history with money. We find out where you want your money to take you. 

Month 2

You receive and implement your personalized Joyful Spending Plan. This gives us enough time and opportunity to course correct if we need and ensure your plan is working for you.

Months 3-6

We embody, expand and adjust your plan. We deepen your money relationship and build your financial acuity. You finish the program feeling hopeful and confident about how to make your money work for you! 

Ready to get started?

Is this the time for action?

You know you need a change, but where do you start?


Clients of RESET + RISE feel relief, and start joyfully investing, saving and repaying right away.

Breaking self-sabotaging behaviours requires interference. Waiting to “get it under control” to start keeps us in a “One Day” mindset.

The information is out there, (and it has been out there) but the support is in here.

this is the fast-track to feeling your money work for you TODAY. 

It’s time to step into your financial power. 

6 Month Coaching Program

$2799 + applicable Tax

*Equitable Payment Options Available and encouraged

Next steps:

You’re ready. Here’s what will happen:

Discovery Call:

  1. Click the Discovery Call button and you will be taken to a calendar link.

  2. Choose the time slot that works well for you.

  3. Enter you information and answer two questions.

  4. Get ready to meet for 20 minutes with me at no charge to see if we are a good fit for each other.

  • Coaching sessions are designed to help you determine your next best steps. This means I promise a judgement-free space. A space where it is safe to discuss your experiences with money without shame, and a place to share your hopes and dreams.

    Appointments are 60 minutes long, and you will be assigned activities each week that build your confidence and understanding of your money story and money management.

    I have held space for clients as a massage therapist for a decade and I know the vulnerability that it takes to come and bare the things that are causing you grief. It is brave and I do not take that for granted.

  • The time commitment varies depending on each individual. How organized you are to start and how in-depth you choose to go between sessions affects the time spent, but it usually ranges between 1-2 hours per week (including your session).

  • You don’t need debt to benefit from a Joyful Spending Plan. In fact, no debt means you get to direct more money towards the things you love and invest more into your dreams right away.

    Being debt-free does not equal momentum. Sometimes those without debt are great at avoiding having outstanding balances, but could still use help exploring and setting goals to propel themselves forward. Book a call to see if this is a fit for you!

  • Tracking-based systems can be a great tool for illuminating areas of spending that aren’t serving you. They can also be a source of shame. A long list of “mistakes.”

    Constant tracking becomes tedious and reactive, and eventually just feels like a chore and not a support.

    Because tracking is reactive, it can keep you in the “I screwed up” (or worse, the blaming “YOU screwed up”) cycle. Also, let’s face it . . . you can probably guess where you overspend.

    A Joyful Spending Plan starts from today. It forgives your past decisions and uses the resources you have now to carry you forward. The system considers your personality and values, and plays to your strengths.

    Together, we build in the things that matter most to you so that your money is serving you month after month. We build channels for safety, joy, debt, and the future. We find the money that has been unconsciously spent and redirect it towards your dreams.

    We cultivate hope through goal-setting, create the pathway with your Joyful Spending Plan, and then build agency so that you are confident you can get there!

    Depending on your circumstances, some tracking is involved, but not the way you may be used to.

    Book a call and let’s talk about it!

  • Primarily I work with personal finance. That is my purpose. These systems, however, can definitely be applied to small businesses with some tweaks. If you own a business and are looking to figure out how to pay yourself and then what to do with that pay, that is where I come in.

    Great business finance requires major bookkeeping, tax planning, and beyond. I help sole proprietors develop cash flow systems that allow their businesses to make informed decisions and support them better.

  • Reset + Rise is for both. I see couples, individuals or a hybrid where one partner attends and the other catches the replay or attends some of our sessions.

  • If you have an income that covers more than your basic needs and you work the Joyful Spending Plan, it will work. While RESET + RISE is rooted in the emotions around your money relationship, it is also supported by proven cash flow strategy for personal finance.

  • Variable income requires a slightly different approach than a salaried plan. That is why I love serving those with variable income. The foundation of this plan works for all income types but it usually is most appreciated by those with variable incomes because the Joyful Spending Plan integrates strategies to smooth out the ups and downs.

  • A Joyful Spending Plan is tailored to each client. If you want more tracking or structure, that can always be added. The foundation of the plan allows for extras to be added and adjusted. Months 3-6 allow us to course-correct and ensure that you have the pathway and agency to achieve your unique goals.

  • The main focus of the program is cash flow and communication around money. I do teach about investing products, what they are and what terms are important to understand as you move forward financially.

    I am a fiduciary financial counsellor and I am not licensed to give advice in any way so basic terminology and understanding of what different types of accounts are good for is as far as I may explain.

Looking for something different?

  • Focus Forward

    a 3 hour VIP day to build your cash flow plan and expand on the concepts of Security, Gratitude and Joy with your money.

  • Re-Connect

    A 60 minute call for former clients to check in, adjust their spending plans or discuss an upcoming financial decision

  • Joyful Money Method

    5 week Small Group Program designed to teach you new money foundations and give you the tactical skills for navigating a variable income

Feel good about your money