
A strategy focused VIP day to get you set up and ready to set sail

Sometimes all you need is just some help getting started


A combination of private or group coaching and counselling designed to help you simplify your money management and experience lasting change through exploring and deepening your relationship with money.

Self PaCED

Take the DIY approach through e-books and courses designed to give your the tactical strategies and emotional reflections necessary to improve your money capabilities.


Hire Lauren to speak at your event, provide trainings for your workplace or present as a guest expert to your group coaching program.

Looking for Tactical?

Focus Forward is a 3 hour VIP combination strategy and coaching session that provides you your own Joyful Spending Plan (built together with Lauren) for your personal or business finances.

Receive a visual explanation of how your money interacts and finish your session feeling confident that you know what your money is doing, where to focus and what to do next.

Continue your success with a one hour follow-up coaching call booked one month later to ensure that your plan is continuing to work and give you success.

Investment: $899


  • 1 hour to tackle one or two mindset challenges

  • 2 hours to build personal spending plan and optional business spending plan for sole proprietor

  • Action list - so you know exactly what to do next

  • Visual Map of how your money is working for you

  • 1 hour follow up - one month later - to make any adjustments and ensure your plan is sustainable and working for you

  • Email support between sessions

Payment Plans Available*

“to be respected and to be able to have a really safe conversation, there's no comparison.”

Izzy - Stage Manager

“I didn’t even realise how stressed I was until we made a plan. It’s like a weight is lifted off my shoulders.”

Pamela - Hair Stylist

“This wasn’t my first stop on my money journey, but it’s given me so much clarity. I’m paying myself a regular salary for the first time in 5 years!”

Alex - Mobility Coach

Money Coach / Creative / Neurodivergent / Counsellor / Enneagram 8 / Comedy Nerd /

  • If you do not have a business the emphasis of Focus forward will be on your personal strategy and include more time for coaching or counselling. An alternative is to enroll in Rise, a lite version of the 6 month program delivered over 3 months.

  • The initial session is 3 hours. This gives us enough time to get comfortable and be able to get to the root of your challenges and create an opportunity to build a spending plan that actually reflects you.

  • You do not have to submit anything ahead of time, however when you enroll you will be given a list of items to prepare so we can hit the ground running.